Stockport sweeps the board at Manchester Food and Drink Awards

By Alasdair Perry

8th Feb 2024 | Local News

Stockport featured heavily at the 2023 Manchester Food and Drink Festival awards. Stockport nominees left to right; Rosemary Barratt (Foodie Friday), Elise Wilson ( Littlewoods Butchers), John Barratt (Foodie Friday), Marcus Wilson (Littlewoods Butchers), Damian O’Shea (Heaton Hops) (Image - Carl Sukonik The Vain Photos)
Stockport featured heavily at the 2023 Manchester Food and Drink Festival awards. Stockport nominees left to right; Rosemary Barratt (Foodie Friday), Elise Wilson ( Littlewoods Butchers), John Barratt (Foodie Friday), Marcus Wilson (Littlewoods Butchers), Damian O’Shea (Heaton Hops) (Image - Carl Sukonik The Vain Photos)

Stockport's culinary prowess has been recognised at the 2023 Manchester Food and Drink Festival awards. 

The town won the 'Foodie Neighbourhood of the Year' award at the ceremony held at New Century Hall on 29 January.

A panel of the city's leading food and drink experts chose the shortlist, which was then put to public vote.

The award was collected by John and Rosemary Barratt, the organisers of Foodie Friday, the award-winning monthly street food event. 

A spokesperson for the Manchester Food and Drink Festival said they were 'delighted' to see Stockport win.

John at Stockport County Courtyard with presenter and commentator Jon Keighren (Image - Carl Sukonik The Vain Photos)

"With a fabulous, diverse and thriving hospitality scene that encourages growth and innovation, Stockport's win is well-deserved", they said.

"John and Rosemary Barratt […] have previously been awarded the MFDF Outstanding Achievement Award, which recognises those who have contributed something incredible to the hospitality industry, for their work organising and developing Stockport's much-loved 'Foodie Friday'.

"We can't wait to see Stockport's foodie scene go from strength to strength."

Certainly, this is one of a string of Stockport's food awards; Foodie Friday won 'Best Pop Up Club or Project' in 2016 and again in 2022.

Foodie Friday takes place on the last Friday of every month, and draws visitors from far and wide (Image - Alasdair Perry)

John and Rosemary also collected the 'Howard and Ruth Award for Outstanding Achievement' for their contribution to the food and drink sector in Stockport.

John Barratt, organiser of Stockport Foodie Friday said: "We were honoured to be invited by the prestigious Manchester Food and Drink Festival to collect this award as ambassadors for Stockport to celebrate all the fantastic independent food and drink venues across the borough. 

"We intend to take this opportunity to highlight all the great places and projects that are being delivered across Stockport that bring the community together through food.

"We'll be out and about with the award visiting as many as we can over the coming months."


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