Stockport Pride to return to the town centre soon

By Alasdair Perry

20th May 2024 | Local News

Stockport Pride will return to the town centre on 2 June 2024, and will feature stalls, live music, drag acts, a parade and more around Market Place and the town centre (Image - Alasdair Perry)
Stockport Pride will return to the town centre on 2 June 2024, and will feature stalls, live music, drag acts, a parade and more around Market Place and the town centre (Image - Alasdair Perry)

Stockport Pride is set for a return to the town centre on 2 June, with stalls, music, a parade, and more. 

The aim of the event is to celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the borough. 

Proceedings will focus around the town centre, and will run from 11am-7pm. 

In Market Place, for instance, there will be a range of stalls hosting local charities, community groups, clothing, crafts, food, drink, and more. 

The parade, perhaps the focal point of the event, will assemble in the Underbanks just outside Robinsons Brewery at 11.30am. 

Last year's Stockport Pride event was a popular one, as seen here in Market Place! (Image - Alasdair Perry)

It will set off at 12 noon, down the Underbanks towards Merseyway. Turning left to head down Merseyway's main street, the parade will then head indoors and out onto Mersey Square, circuiting around Bridgefield Street, Prince's Street, Bridge Street, Warren Street, and then up to Market Place. 

The event will also feature a raffle, proceeds from which will help pay for the festivities. Visitors can also expect music, drag acts, family spaces, and even quiet spaces for if you need a spot to unwind during the day. 

The event is free to attend. Find more information, including full lists of performers and stalls, on the Stockport Pride website HERE.


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