Cannabis farm with five million pounds' worth of plants discovered in Stockport town centre

By Nub News Reporter

17th Jun 2024 | Local News

Officers from Greater Manchester police discovered a 'huge' cannabis farm in an unoccupied building on Lower Hillgate in Stockport town centre (Image - GMP)
Officers from Greater Manchester police discovered a 'huge' cannabis farm in an unoccupied building on Lower Hillgate in Stockport town centre (Image - GMP)

A 'huge' cannabis farm has been discovered in an abandoned building on Lower Hillgate, Stockport town centre.

The farm contained 3,325 plants, with an estimated street value of £5 million.

The site was discovered by neighbourhood officers from Greater Manchester Police around 10am on Thursday 13 June. Officers worked the ensuing Friday and Saturday in clearing the plants and making the site safe.

It was the electricity board who alerted police to the possible presence of a farm.

As yet, enquiries are ongoing and no arrests have been made.

Police discovered the cannabis farm at an unoccupied building in Lower Hillgate (Image - GMP)

Inspector Amreek Singh, from GMP's Stockport district, said: "This is a great find for our neighbourhood team who are committed to tackling the supply and distribution of illegal products throughout the town.

"Cannabis farms on this scale can be linked to serious and organised crime gangs, and the drugs they sell have a significant adverse impact on our communities. It drives violence and can lead to vulnerable people being exploited, as well as leading to numerous problems such as addiction and health issues. Our work has ensured that thousands of cannabis plants will not be hitting the streets"

"If you have any information about drugs supply in your area, please do get in touch with your local officers. You can also contact police on 101, via, or via Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111."


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