Romiley to Rome - local travel agent celebrates one-year anniversary

By Alasdair Perry

26th Jun 2024 | Local Features

We spoke to Jon Burton from Fairclough Travel, based in Woodley, on holidaying, the high street, and more (Image supplied)
We spoke to Jon Burton from Fairclough Travel, based in Woodley, on holidaying, the high street, and more (Image supplied)

A much-loved local travel agent recently celebrated one year in business.

Fairclough Travel is run solely by Woodley resident Jon Burton, who has been helping to send people from Stockport to Stockholm, Romiley to Rome, Torkington to Tokyo, and everywhere in-between.

Jon works as a franchisee for Explorer by Hays Travel.

It means that Jon can combine the personal touch of a one-man business, with all the quality checks and reputation of a well-known high street travel agent.

He offers a tailored in-person service to chat through holiday plans, with payment securely going through Hays.

"Sometimes I'll meet people and chat about it over a coffee, or I'll go and visit them directly", he said.

"I have a bit more freedom as a franchisee. I can offer a more tailored service.

"It gives you more time to work out what the customer really wants - sometimes it might not always be what they think."

It means that no two customers' holidays are the same, and that every expedition can be tailored to tick as many boxes on your itinerary as possible.

Speaking more generally on the importance of travel, Jon said: "It's good to buy memories, not things.

"I like to think that, as a travel agent, you are a dreammaker. [...]

"The more you travel, the more diverse your way of thinking becomes. You develop more experiences and connections, especially if it's in a different country."

This much certainly seems true. As much as we love Stockport, sometimes it pays to be reminded that there is more to the world than this little corner of Greater Manchester!

Find more information about Fairclough Travel at or on 0161 240 6600.


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