Cheadle - Hear from your constituency candidates

By Alasdair Perry

24th Jun 2024 | General Election 2024

With polling day for the next general election just a few weeks away, we asked the candidates in Cheadle about their priorities if they were to be elected (Image - Alasdair Perry)
With polling day for the next general election just a few weeks away, we asked the candidates in Cheadle about their priorities if they were to be elected (Image - Alasdair Perry)

With polling day for the next general election just a few weeks away, we asked the candidates in Cheadle about their priorities if they were to be elected.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service has identified Cheadle as a 'seat to watch' at this election, saying: "This Stockport seat has flipped between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats since the turn of the century, but has been Tory since 2015. Mary Robinson is the MP in this part of the world, but each time she's defended this seat, her majority has narrowed.

"In 2019, it was 2,336. In that contest, Ms Robinson faced off against Tom Morrison, a local councillor.

"The 2024 race is a re-run of that, and with the Lib Dems targeting success here and in Hazel Grove, some polls suggest it could go back to the Lib Dems."


Here's what the candidates themselves told Nub News.

Alex Drury - Greens

Alex Drury, Green candidate for Cheadle (Image supplied)

Alex Drury said: "I am standing for election in July so everyone in Cheadle can vote in favour of decisive action on the climate crisis.

"It is the biggest problem we will face this century, but also a huge opportunity for the UK and the North to become a global leader in the green industrial revolution.

"After 14 years of ruinous government, it is time to be bold. The Green Party champions visionary policies that I'm proud to represent, such as tackling poverty through a Universal Basic Income and lowering energy bills by adopting renewables more quickly.

The Green Party has consistently supported a ceasefire in Gaza, a release of all hostages and a ban on sales of arms to Israel. Our party is explicitly anti-racist and supports LGBTQ+ and trans rights."

Find more information HERE.

Marcus Farmer - Independent

Marcus Farmer, walking mate for Bruno the Dog, independent candidate for Cheadle (Image - Marcus Farmer / Alp 33)

This is an unusual one; Marcus Farmer is the candidate, but the 'presenter' of the political movement itself - known as Alp 33 - is a dog called Bruno. 

A statement from Bruno on the Alp 33 website reads: "I have asked my walking mate Marcus Farmer to put his name down for the job instead."

According to the campaign, Bruno is the presenter to allow ideas to be spread in a different way.

"We don't need to worry about our clothes, our hair or our faces. 

"As the body language of presentation becomes irrelevant, we can concentrate on our ideas without having to bother about how our egos and images are perceived. 

A section of the Alp 33 website reads: "Our view on policies is that they are pointless if delivered from a place that is meaningless and devoid of values."

Find more information HERE.

Kelly Fowler - Labour

Kelly Fowler, Labour candidate for Cheadle (Image supplied)

Kelly Fowler said: "I am proud to be Labour's candidate for Cheadle. This is a brilliant place to live - but we can do even better.

"I will fight for every vote to be your Labour MP as part of a Labour government. It's time for change.

"I've spent my career working with and for people, championing the causes I am passionate about from challenging prejudice to tackling inequality."

Find more information HERE.

Tanya Manzoor - Workers Party of Britain

Tanya Manzoor, Workers Party candidate for Cheadle (Image supplied)

Tanya Manzoor said: "As a socialist party, the Workers Party of Britain is dedicated to re-nationalizing public services and enhancing education.

"Our new party prioritizes community welfare, aiming to restore essential services to public ownership and ensure high-quality education for all.

"We pledge to tackle crime with effective, community-focused policies and support a fair, just society.

"With a commitment to public ownership and social equality, we strive to serve the needs of the middle class and ensure a prosperous future. Vote for the Workers Party of Britain for real change and a brighter tomorrow.

"Vote Tanya, vote for the Workers Party of Britain."

Find more information HERE.

Tom Morrison - Liberal Democrats

Tom Morrison (left), Liberal Democrat candidate for Cheadle (Image - Alasdair Perry)

Tom Morrison said: "I have a positive plan for Cheadle Constituency that will give our residents a fairer deal. In Cheadle it's always been a two horse race between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.

"Stepping Hill Hospital has closed huge parts of its estate because of risk of collapse and earlier this year the Intensive Care Unit was closed because the ceiling was falling apart. Our residents and the staff at Stepping Hill deserve so much better, and I will do everything I can to get the funding they need.

"I will fight to stop raw sewage being dumped into our local waterways. Streams like the Mickerbrook and Ladybrook are being damaged and it must stop. It is disgraceful that Conservative MPs voted to allow water companies to keep dumping sewage into our rivers.

"Finally, we need to get better and more investment for our High Streets. I led the campaign to get a Train Station in Cheadle and to get the Banking Hub in Bramhall, but more needs to be done. We need to get the Metrolink to our district centres and we need to get more banking hubs open in areas like Heald Green, Cheadle and Gatley. We must do everything we can to save our high streets, and I will lead this campaign as Cheadle's MP.

"In Cheadle the option is very clear. Residents can vote for a fairer deal and my positive plan for Cheadle, or more neglect and let down with the Conservatives."

Find more information HERE.

Mary Robinson - Conservatives

Mary Robinson, Conservative candidate for Cheadle (Image - UK Parliament)

Mary Robinson said: "I am standing for re-election to be the MP for Cheadle constituency, which I have been for the past 9-years, having been first elected in 2015 and then re-elected in both 2017 and 2019.

I have a strong track record of bringing investment to our area. Whether it be £30m for a new Emergency Care Campus at Stepping Hill which will bring down waiting times and help patients receive the best care, or £14m for a brand-new train station at the heart of Cheadle which will bring investment to our area.

The Conservatives have a clear plan for the country and have delivered on many of our pledges at the last election, such as recruiting more than 20,000 police officers including 1,280 here in Greater Manchester.

This election is a clear choice between sticking to the plan that is working with the Conservatives or going back to square one with Labour and the Liberal Democrats."

Find more information HERE.

Stephen Speakman - Reform UK

Reform UK did not respond to our requests to speak with Stephen Speakman.

Reform UK recently released its election 'contract', the core pledges for which included: a freeze on non-essential migration; detaining and deporting migrants who arrive on small boats; zero NHS waiting lists; lifting the income tax starting threshold to £20,000; and scrapping energy levies and Net Zero.

Find more information HERE.


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